Select a Series below to read Wanda's articles in her "Homeless in Paradise" column, published as a free public service self-funded and produced by the author. These articles appeared in Facebook, Nextdoor, and on private e-mail lists, in addition to seven years as a featured column in the former Cedar Street Times print and online newspaper publication of Monterey, California.  
The NON-SERIES ARTICLES section starts with Column #1 and is inclusive through the most recently published article, including Series articles. Series are listed alphabetically.)

The photo at the right is from Wanda's Facebook post, January 20, 2020:
Wanda says, "(Photo from 1968 during my initiation as an honorary chief of the White Buffalo Tribe Indian Workshop in Los Angeles by Len Fairchuk, Salteaux, who later became a champion fiddler in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame."  Click here to read the full post, including her poem, CHASING COCHISE:

Text from the above printed page:  “On assignment from her newspaper, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, reporter Wanda Sue Parrott researched a startling number of alleged haunting incidents in which the purported ghosts were those of [American Indians]. In a symbolic ceremony in 1968 Len Fairchuck, of the White Buffalo All-Indian Workshop in Los Angeles, made Wanda an honorary chief of the White Buffalo. The paper headdresses and neck band shown were made at the workshop established by Fairchuck to help Indians earn livings when moving from reservations to the city. Ms. Parrott has Cherokee blood in her own lineage.”
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