You can contact Wanda or the publisher by using the Contact Form below.

You can also contact Wanda directly at:

                            Wanda Sue Parrott                                                         P. O. Box 1821                                                Monterey, CA  93942-1821                

                                (831) 899-5887            


Photo taken at Christmas party of the Tap Bananas in December 2019,
wearing my new false teeth. Photo by Lois LeBlanc.

“Homeless in Paradise” is a free public service solely self-funded and produced by independent journalist Wanda Sue Parrott.    It also appears in Facebook, Nextdoor, and on extensive private email lists. If interested in being added to the list, submit your request to 831-899-5887,  To help support Wanda's efforts, please send your contribution directly to Wanda or contact Great Spirit Publishing for other options. 

A portion of proceeds is contributed to meeting the needs of homeless people in the Monterey Peninsula, California.

Wanda Sue Parrott, P. O. Box 1821, Monterey, CA  93942-1821

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